A world where art flourishes, artists thrive and positive change is cultivated through art

The PKOK Foundation

Art has been a driving force behind philanthropy for centuries. The PKOK Foundation, an independent 501(3)c nonprofit, continues this legacy by activating art for good. With thousands of digital artworks in our collection already, we are committed to growing and nurturing it through acquisitions, endowments, and collaborations. Our vision extends beyond building a remarkable collection; we aim to use our assets to support fellowships, grants for artists, institutional donations, and initiatives focused on environmental conservation and preservation.

We will be appointing an advisory board soon for support & guidance towards our goal of being a sustainable catalyst for change.

Lina Chu

Our mission is twofold: nurture and empower artists through fellowships, grants, and various other forms of assistance, and contribute towards environmental, conservation, and social causes. We believe in the transformative power of art and are channeling its potential to make a lasting impact.


We envision a future where the foundation’s assets continue to grow, enabling us to provide ongoing support to artists and extend our reach to vital causes. By collaborating with likeminded people, we aim to create an enduring institution that upholds creativity, innovation, and social responsibility. We dream of a world where art flourishes, artists thrive, and we can influence positive change cultivated through art.

Donate: Whether you’re an artist or collector, you can join our movement by donating artworks. Our primary goal is to grow our collection for the long term, ensuring that donated artwork is not put up for sale in the foreseeable future. If and when we do, we will collaborate with the artist to ensure it aligns with their plans and goals. Donors can also specify a “lock-up” period before which the donated art cannot be sold, whether it be 1, 2, 5, or 10 years. We pledge to honor these terms.

If you’d like to donate, please contact us.

Curate: We aspire to be a bridge between artists and communities, using the power of storytelling through art to create meaningful connections. If you are interested in curating for us, please reach out. We would be thrilled to collaborate with you.

Support: Your support is invaluable to us. By amplifying our message, you help us reach our goals sooner and increase our impact.

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